Roger Roberts
After an initial grounding in banking at Midland Bank, Roger Roberts spent
a year in management consultancy followed by nearly eighteen years in
treasury risk management, working for such names as the Bank of New South
Wales (Westpac) and Bank Julius Baer, as a treasury and capital markets
dealer and then as Chief Dealer and Treasury Manager. This included a period
of four years in the United States.
For three years Roger Roberts worked for the training and consultancy
company DC Gardner and Co. as head of the Treasury and Capital Markets Division.
Subsequently he was headhunted to set up and run the dealing room for a
newly founded private bank in London. Three years later, and with the private
bank well established, Roger Roberts left to pursue his role as a financial
training consultant. Roger Roberts is the co-author of Foreign Exchange: Functions,
Limits and Risks published by Macmillan. He has also written various magazine
and newspaper articles and is a Visiting Lecturer in finance at the Rotterdam
School of Management at Erasmus University.